-- LOVE Asset Async Loader -- Copyright (c) 2021 Miku AuahDark -- -- This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied -- warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages -- arising from the use of this software. -- -- Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, -- including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it -- freely, subject to the following restrictions: -- -- 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not -- claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software -- in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be -- appreciated but is not required. -- 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be -- misrepresented as being the original software. -- 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. -- NOTICE: For custom `love.run` users. -- 1. You have to explicitly pass event with name "lily_resp" -- to `love.handlers.lily_resp` along with all of it's arguments. -- 2. When you're handling "quit" event and you integrate Lily into -- your `love.run` loop, call `lily.quit` before `return`. -- Need love module local love = require("love") assert(love._version >= "11.0", "Lily v3.x require at least LOVE 11.0") -- Need love.event and love.thread assert(love.event, "Lily requires love.event. Enable it in conf.lua or require it manually!") assert(love.thread, "Lily requires love.thread. Enable it in conf.lua or require it manually!") local modulePath = select(1, ...):match("(.-)[^%.]+$") local lily = { _VERSION = "3.0.12", -- Loaded modules modules = {}, -- List of threads threads = {}, -- Function handler handlers = {}, -- Request list request = {} } -- List of excluded modules to be loaded (doesn't make sense to be async) -- PS: "event" module will be always loaded regardless. local excludedModules = { "event", "joystick", "keyboard", "math", "mouse", "physics", "system", "timer", "touch", "window" } -- List all loaded LOVE modules using hidden "love._modules" table for name in pairs(love._modules) do local f = false for i = 1, #excludedModules do if excludedModules[i] == name then -- Excluded f = true break end end -- If not excluded, add it. if not(f) then lily.modules[#lily.modules + 1] = name end end -- We have some ways to get processor count local amountOfCPU = 1 if love.system then -- love.system is loaded. We can use that. amountOfCPU = love.system.getProcessorCount() elseif love._os == "Windows" then -- Windows. Use NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS environment variable amountOfCPU = tonumber(os.getenv("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS")) -- We still have some workaround if that fails if not(amountOfCPU) and os.execute("wmic exit") == 0 then -- Use WMIC local a = io.popen("wmic cpu get NumberOfLogicalProcessors") a:read("*l") amountOfCPU = a:read("*n") a:close() end -- If it's fallback to 1, it's either very weird system configuration! -- (except if the CPU only has 1 processor) amountOfCPU = amountOfCPU or 1 elseif os.execute() == 1 then -- Ok we have shell support if os.execute("nproc") == 0 then -- Use nproc local a = io.popen("nproc", "r") amountOfCPU = a:read("*n") a:close() end -- Fallback to single core (discouraged, it will perform same as love-loader) end -- Limit CPU to 4. Imagine how many threads will be created when -- someone runs this in threadripper. amountOfCPU = math.min(amountOfCPU, 4) -- Dummy channel used to signal main thread that there's error local errorChannel = love.thread.newChannel() -- Main channel used to push task lily.taskChannel = love.thread.newChannel() -- Main channel used to pull task lily.dataPullChannel = love.thread.newChannel() -- Main channel to determine how to push event lily.updateModeChannel = love.thread.newChannel() lily.updateModeChannel:push("automatic") -- Use LOVE event handling by default -- Variable used to indicate that embedded code should be used -- instead of loading file (lily_single) local lilyThreadScript = nil -- Function to initialize threads. Must be declared as local -- then called later local function initThreads() for i = 1, amountOfCPU do -- Create thread local a = love.thread.newThread( lilyThreadScript or (modulePath:gsub("%.", "/").."vendor/lily_thread.lua") ) -- Arguments are: -- Loaded modules -- errorChannel -- taskChannel -- dataPullChannel -- updateModeChannel a:start(lily.modules, errorChannel, lily.taskChannel, lily.dataPullChannel, lily.updateModeChannel) lily.threads[i] = a end end --luacheck: push no unused args ---------------- -- LilyObject -- ---------------- local lilyObjectMethod = {} local lilyObjectMeta = {__index = lilyObjectMethod} -- Complete function function lilyObjectMethod.complete(userdata, ...) end -- On error function function lilyObjectMethod.error(userdata, errorMessage, source) error(errorMessage.."\n"..source) end function lilyObjectMethod:onComplete(func) self.complete = assert( type(func) == "function" and func, "bad argument #1 to 'lilyObject:onComplete' (function expected)" ) return self end function lilyObjectMethod:onError(func) self.error = assert( type(func) == "function" and func, "bad argument #1 to 'lilyObject:onError' (function expected)" ) return self end function lilyObjectMethod:setUserData(userdata) self.userdata = userdata return self end function lilyObjectMethod:isComplete() return not(not(self.values)) end function lilyObjectMethod:getValues() assert(self.values, "Incomplete request") return unpack(self.values) end function lilyObjectMeta:__tostring() return "LilyObject: "..self.requestType end --------------------- -- MultiLilyObject -- --------------------- local multiObjectMethod = {} local multiObjectMeta = {__index = multiObjectMethod} -- On loaded function (noop) multiObjectMethod.loaded = lilyObjectMethod.complete -- On error function function multiObjectMethod.error(userdata, lilyIndex, errorMessage, source) error(errorMessage.."\n"..source) end -- On complete function (noop) multiObjectMethod.complete = lilyObjectMethod.complete -- Internal function for child lilies error handler local function multiObjectChildErrorHandler(userdata, errorMessage, source) -- Userdata is {index, parentObject} local multi = userdata[2] multi.error(multi.userdata, userdata[1], errorMessage, source) end -- Internal function used for child lilies onComplete callback local function multiObjectOnLoaded(info, ...) -- Info is {index, parentObject} local multiLily = info[2] multiLily.completedRequest = multiLily.completedRequest + 1 multiLily.loaded(multiLily.userdata, info[1], select(1, ...)) -- If it's complete, then call onComplete callback of MultiLilyObject if multiLily:isComplete() then -- Process local output = {} for i = 1, #multiLily.lilies do output[i] = multiLily.lilies[i].values end multiLily.complete(multiLily.userdata, output) end end function multiObjectMethod:onLoaded(func) self.loaded = assert( type(func) == "function" and func, "bad argument #1 to 'lilyObject:onLoaded' (function expected)" ) return self end function multiObjectMethod:onComplete(func) self.complete = assert( type(func) == "function" and func, "bad argument #1 to 'lilyObject:onComplete' (function expected)" ) return self end function multiObjectMethod:onError(func) self.error = assert( type(func) == "function" and func, "bad argument #1 to 'lilyObject:onError' (function expected)" ) return self end function multiObjectMethod:setUserData(userdata) self.userdata = userdata return self end function multiObjectMethod:isComplete() return self.completedRequest >= #self.lilies end function multiObjectMethod:getValues(index) assert(self:isComplete(), "Incomplete request") if index == nil then local output = {} for i = 1, #self.lilies do output[i] = self.lilies[i].values end return output end return assert(self.lilies[index], "Invalid index"):getValues() end function multiObjectMethod:getCount() return #self.lilies end function multiObjectMethod:getLoadedCount() return self.completedRequest end multiObjectMeta.__len = multiObjectMethod.getCount -- luacheck: pop -- Lily global event handling function local function lilyEventHandler(reqID, v1, v2) -- Check if specified request exist if lily.request[reqID] then local lilyObject = lily.request[reqID] lily.request[reqID] = nil -- Check for error if v1 == errorChannel then -- Second argument is the error message lilyObject.error(lilyObject.userdata, v2, lilyObject.trace) else -- "v2" is returned values -- Call main thread handler for specified request type local values = {pcall(lily.handlers[lilyObject.requestType], lilyObject, unpack(v2))} -- If values[1] is false then there's error if not(values[1]) then lilyObject.error(lilyObject.userdata, values[2]) else -- No error. Remove first value (pcall status) table.remove(values, 1) -- Set values table lilyObject.values = values lilyObject.complete(lilyObject.userdata, unpack(values)) end end end end -- Add Lily event handler to love.handlers (lily_resp) love.handlers.lily_resp = lilyEventHandler --- Get amount of thread for processing -- In most cases, this is amount of logical CPU available. -- @treturn number Amount of threads used by Lily. function lily.getThreadCount() return amountOfCPU end --- Uninitializes Lily and used threads. -- Call this just before your game quit (inside `love.quit()`). -- Not calling this function in iOS and Android can cause -- strange crash when re-starting your game! function lily.quit() -- Clear up the task channel while lily.taskChannel:getCount() > 0 do lily.taskChannel:pop() end -- Push quit request in task channel -- Anything that is not a table is considered as "exit" for i = 1, amountOfCPU do lily.taskChannel:push(i) end -- Clean up threads for i = 1, amountOfCPU do local t = lily.threads[i] if t then -- Wait t:wait() -- Clear lily.threads[i] = nil end end -- Reset package table package.loaded.lily = nil end do local function atomicSetUpdateMode(_, mode) lily.updateModeChannel:pop() lily.updateModeChannel:push(mode) end --- Set update mode. -- tell Lily to pull data by using LOVE event handler or by -- using `lily.update` function. -- @tparam string mode Either `automatic` or `manual`. function lily.setUpdateMode(mode) if mode ~= "automatic" and mode ~= "manual" then error("bad argument #1 to 'setUpdateMode' (\"automatic\" or \"manual\" expected)", 2) end -- Set update mode lily.updateModeChannel:performAtomic(atomicSetUpdateMode, mode) end end -- do local function manualProcessSingleData() local count = lily.dataPullChannel:getCount() local processed = false if count > 0 then -- Pop data local data = lily.dataPullChannel:pop() -- Pass to event handler lilyEventHandler(data[1], data[2], data[3]) processed = true end return count, processed end --- Pull processed data from other threads. -- Signals other loader object (calling their callback function) when necessary. function lily.update(timeout) timeout = timeout or -1 local left = -1 local count = 0 if love.timer and timeout >= 0 then local t = love.timer.getTime() + timeout while love.timer.getTime() < t and (left > 0 or left == -1) do local processed left, processed = manualProcessSingleData() count = count + (processed and 1 or 0) end else -- No love.timer (can't use timeout object) or timeout is negative. while (left > 0 or left == -1) do local processed left, processed = manualProcessSingleData() count = count + (processed and 1 or 0) end end return count, math.max(left, 0) end ---------------------------------------- -- Lily async asset loading functions -- ---------------------------------------- local function dummyhandler(...) return select(2, ...) end local function wraphandler(fname) return function(...) return fname(select(2, ...)) end end -- Internal function to create request ID local function createReqID() local t = {} for _ = 1, 64 do t[#t + 1] = string.char(math.random(0, 255)) end return table.concat(t) end -- Internal function which return function to create LilyObject -- with specified request type local function newLilyFunction(requestType, handlerFunc) local tracebackname = "Function is lily."..requestType -- This function is the constructor lily[requestType] = function(...) -- Initialize local this = setmetatable({}, lilyObjectMeta) local reqID = createReqID() local args = {...} -- Values this.requestType = requestType this.done = false this.values = nil this.trace = debug.traceback(tracebackname) -- Push task -- See structure in lily_thread.lua local treq = {reqID, requestType, #args} -- Push arguments for i = 1, #args do treq[i + 3] = args[i] end -- Add to task channel lily.taskChannel:push(treq) -- Insert to request table (to prevent GC collecting it) lily.request[reqID] = this -- Return return this end -- Handler function lily.handlers[requestType] = handlerFunc and wraphandler(handlerFunc) or dummyhandler end -- love.audio if love.audio then newLilyFunction("newSource") end -- love.data (always exists) if love.data then local function dataGetString(value) return value:getString() end newLilyFunction("compress", dataGetString) newLilyFunction("decompress", dataGetString) end -- love.filesystem (always exists) if love.filesystem then newLilyFunction("append") newLilyFunction("newFileData") newLilyFunction("read") newLilyFunction("readFile") newLilyFunction("write") newLilyFunction("writeFile") end -- Most love.graphics functions are not meant for multithread, but we can circumvent that. if love.graphics then -- Internal function local function defMultiToSingleError(udata, _, msg) udata[1].error(udata[1].userdata, msg) end -- Internal function to generate complete callback local function defImageMultiGen(f) return function(udata, values) local this = udata[1] local v = {} for i = 1, #values do v[i] = values[i][1] end this.values = {f(v, udata[2])} this.complete(this.userdata, unpack(this.values)) end end -- Internal function to generate layering-based function local function genLayerImage(name, handlerFunc) local defCompleteFunction = defImageMultiGen(handlerFunc) lily.handlers[name] = wraphandler(handlerFunc) lily[name] = function(layers, setting) local multiCount = {} for _, v in ipairs(layers) do if type(v) == "table" then -- List of mipmaps error("Nested table (mipmaps) is not supported at the moment") else multiCount[#multiCount + 1] = {lily.newImageData, v, setting} end end -- Check count if #multiCount == 0 then error("Layers is empty", 2) end -- Initialize local this = setmetatable({}, lilyObjectMeta) -- Values this.requestType = name this.done = false this.values = nil this.multi = lily.loadMulti(multiCount) :setUserData({this, setting}) :onComplete(defCompleteFunction) :onError(defMultiToSingleError) -- Return return this end end -- Basic function which is supported on all systems newLilyFunction("newFont", love.graphics.newFont) newLilyFunction("newImage", love.graphics.newImage) newLilyFunction("newVideo", love.graphics.newVideo) -- Get texture type local texType = love.graphics.getTextureTypes() -- Not all system support cube image. Make it unavailable in that case. if texType.cube then -- Another internal function local defNewCubeImageMulti = defImageMultiGen(love.graphics.newCubeImage) lily.newCubeImage = function(layers, setting) local multiCount = {} -- If it's table, that means it contains list of files if type(layers) == "table" then assert(#layers == 6, "Invalid list of files (must be exactly 6)") for _, v in ipairs(layers) do if type(v) == "table" then -- List of mipmaps error("Nested table (mipmaps) is not supported at the moment") else multiCount[#multiCount + 1] = {lily.newImage, v, setting} end end -- Are you specify tons of "Image" objects? if #multiCount == 0 then error("Nothing to parallelize", 2) end end -- Initialize local this = setmetatable({}, lilyObjectMeta) local reqID = createReqID() -- Values this.requestType = "newCubeImage" this.done = false this.values = nil -- If multi count is 0, that means it's just single file if #multiCount == 0 then -- Insert to request table lily.request[reqID] = this -- Create and push new task local treq = {reqID, "newImage", 2, layers, setting} lily.taskChannel:push(treq) else this.multi = lily.loadMulti(multiCount) :setUserData({this, setting}) :onComplete(defNewCubeImageMulti) :onError(defMultiToSingleError) end -- Return return this end lily.handlers.newCubeImage = wraphandler(love.graphics.newCubeImage) end -- Not all system support array image if texType.array then genLayerImage("newArrayImage", love.graphics.newArrayImage) end -- Not all system support volume image if texType.volume then genLayerImage("newVolumeImage", love.graphics.newVolumeImage) end end if love.image then newLilyFunction("encodeImageData") newLilyFunction("newImageData") newLilyFunction("newCompressedData") newLilyFunction("pasteImageData") end if love.sound then newLilyFunction("newSoundData") end if love.video then newLilyFunction("newVideoStream") end function lily.loadMulti(tabdecl) local this = setmetatable({ lilies = {}, completedRequest = 0 }, multiObjectMeta) for i = 1, #tabdecl do local tab = tabdecl[i] -- tab[1] is lily name, the rest is arguments local func if type(tab[1]) == "string" then if lily[tab[1]] and lily.handlers[tab[1]] then func = lily[tab[1]] else error("Invalid lily function ("..tab[1]..") at index #"..i) end elseif type(tab[1]) == "function" then -- Must be `lily[function]` func = tab[1] else error("Invalid lily function at index #"..i) end local lilyobj = func(unpack(tab, 2)) :setUserData({i, this}) :onComplete(multiObjectOnLoaded) :onError(multiObjectChildErrorHandler) this.lilies[#this.lilies + 1] = lilyobj end return this end -- do not remove this comment! initThreads() return lily --[[ Changelog: v3.0.12: 23-11-2021 > Fixed lily.update count value always 1 if no timeout is specified and there are no pending queues. v3.0.11: 01-10-2021 > Added timeout parameter to lily.update. Requires love.timer. v3.0.10: 23-07-2021 > Fixed lily.newArrayImage and lily.newVolumeImage v3.0.9: 14-06-2021 > Any lily request now saves the traceback of the caller and will be printed on error v3.0.8: 11-03-2021 > Fixed `lily.setUpdateMode` > Thread: call `collectgarbage()` twice before serving v3.0.7: 15-06-2020 > Fixed `lily.newFont` ignores type hinting and DPI scale v3.0.6: 08-04-2019 > Reorder lily.newImage image loading function > Fixed lily.newCubeImage is missing v3.0.5: 26-12-2018 > Limit threads to 4 v3.0.4: 25-11-2018 > Fixed `lily.decompress` error when passing Data object in LOVE 11.1 and earlier > Fixed `lily.compress` error > Make error message more comprehensive v3.0.3: 12-09-2018 > Explicitly check for LOVE 11.0 > `lily.compress` and `lily.decompress` now follows v2.x API > Fixed multi:getValues() errors even multi:isComplete() is true v3.0.2: 18-07-2018 > Fixed calling `lily.newCompressedData` cause Lily thread to crash (fix issue #1) v3.0.1: 16-07-2018 > Fixed `lily.newFont` ignores size parameter v3.0.0: 13-06-2018 > Major refactoring > Allow to set update mode, whetever to use Lily style (automatic) or love-loader style (manual) > New functions: newArrayImage and newVolumeImage (only on supported systems) > Loading speed improvements v2.0.8: 09-06-2018 > Fixed additional arguments were not passed to task handler in separate thread > Make error message more meaningful (but the stack traceback is still meaningless) v2.0.7: 06-06-2018 > Fixed `lily.quit` deadlock. v2.0.6: 05-06-2018 > Added `lily.newCubeImage` > Fix error handler function signature incorrect for MultiLilyObject > Added `MultiLilyObject:getLoadedCount()` v2.0.5: 02-05-2018 > Fixed LOVE 11.0 detection v2.0.4: 09-01-2018 > Fixed if love.data emulation is used in 0.10.0 v2.0.2: 04-01-2018 > Fixed random crash (again) > Fixed when lily in folder, it doesn't work v2.0.1: 03-01-2018 > Fixed random crash v2.0.0: 01-01-2018 > Support `newVideoStream` > Support multi loading (`lily.loadMulti`) > More methods for `LilyObject` v1.0.0: 21-12-2017 > Initial Release ]]