enableExceptions(true); if ($createDatabase === true) { $this->createDatabase(); } } } public function createDatabase() { $schemaFiles = [ LIB_MIGRATIONS_DIR . "/_schema.sql", MIGRATIONS_DIR . "/_schema.sql" ]; foreach ($schemaFiles as $schemaFile) { if (file_exists($schemaFile)) { $schema = file_get_contents($schemaFile); self::$handle->exec($schema); } } } public function runMigrations() { $currentTableVersions = []; $result = self::$handle->query("SELECT `table`,`version` FROM `migrations`"); while ($row = $result->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC)) { $currentTableVersions[$row["table"]] = $row["version"]; } $migrations = []; $migrationPaths = [LIB_MIGRATIONS_DIR, MIGRATIONS_DIR]; foreach ($migrationPaths as $migrationPath) { if (is_dir($migrationPath)) { $migrations = array_merge($migrations, scandir($migrationPath)); } } $migrationCount = 0; foreach ($migrations as $migration) { if ($migration == "." || $migration == ".." || $migration == "_schema.sql") { continue; } $migrationParts = explode("-", str_replace(".sql", "", $migration)); $migrationTable = $migrationParts[0]; $migrationVersion = $migrationParts[1]; $run = false; if (!isset($currentTableVersions[$migrationTable])) { $run = true; } else { if ($migrationVersion > $currentTableVersions[$migrationTable]) { $run = true; } } if ($run === true) { Logger::log("Found migration for table " . $migrationTable . " version " . $migrationVersion, LOGGER::INFO, "Database"); $migrationContents = file_get_contents(MIGRATIONS_DIR . "/" . $migration); if (@self::$handle->exec($migrationContents)) { self::$handle->exec("INSERT INTO `migrations` (`table`,`version`, `schemafile`, `created`) VALUES ('" . $migrationTable . "'," . $migrationVersion . ",'" . $migration . "', strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S','now'))"); $migrationCount++; } else { Logger::log("Failed to run migration for table " . $migrationTable . " version " . $migrationVersion . " with error: " . self::$handle->lastErrorMsg(), LOGGER::ERROR, "Database"); } } } if ($migrationCount > 0) { Logger::log("Ran " . $migrationCount . " migrations", LOGGER::DEBUG, "Database"); } else { Logger::log("No migrations to run", LOGGER::DEBUG, "Database"); } } public function close() { self::$handle->close(); } }